Daffodil to Gunnera

All pictures (& videos) have been taken in the garden unless otherwise stated.


Words to follow …

Dicksonia Antarctica

Words to follow …

Eucomis bicolor

Eucomis Bicolor … words to come


Eremurus … the Foxtail lily

I love this plant!It stands proud within the bed by the pond. It attracts a wide variety of pollinators. You can see the low aeroplane humming “Rose Chafer” in pic 2. My intention is to grow another 5 or 6 to create a more impactful clump.

Foxglove (Digitalis)



“There they are at the edge of the lakeside, standing to attention, making a splash — no blushing violets these, and not in ones or twos but hundreds, proud regiments marching in the summer, with clash of cymbals and rolling drums. Here comes June. Glorious, colourful June.”

Derek Jarman (Human Nature) 

Frittilaria Imperialis

Words to follow …

Frittilaria Persica

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Words to follow …


Words to follow …


Words to follow …