Acanthus to Buddleia

All pictures (& videos) are taken in the garden unless otherwise stated


Resilience and strength, protection against evil, inspiration, peace, longevity, prosperity, balance, perseverance, generosity, and intelligence … what might this impressive list of descriptors have in common? Well, depending on which cultural arena you choose to dip into, they are all symbolised by the acer!

The choice of an Acer Palmatum as an horticultural cornerstone in the top garden (pic 1) some 30+ years ago was not based on symbolism or culture. Like most people, it was chosen for its effervescent, seasonal, colour displays and its toleration of shade.

It’s a versatile plant that stands proud on its own and acts as a wonderful backdrop to  other plants/shrubs. The juxtaposition of the yellow acer (“Aureum” I think),in front of the atropurpureum works really well (pics 2 & 3).

Acidanthera Murielliae

If you’re looking for a splash of late summer colour then you can’t go wrong with Acidanthera Murieliae (or Abyssinian Gladiolus) … unless, that is, like me, you carefully gathered last season’s bulbs from their pots, separated them (this year’s new and expanded total was between 40-50 bulbs), wrapped them individually, placed them in a box, stored them in a cool dark place … … and then forgot about them … even where I’d stored them! It was one of the big disappointments of the year. At the time of writing (September, when I should be enjoying their resplendent flowers), I still haven’t located them. Even though my garden talks to me, it kept schtum about this!

I have certainly missed them. The tall, slender, and graceful stems in arching ascent when many other summer flowers are in decline. The flowers, all grace and inclination, seemingly bowing to the fortunate onlooker.

Despite the setback, it’s another example of how gardening shapes and strengthens one’s resilience. I’m already looking forward to checking out any developments in the “peacock lily” world. I’ll certainly keep you posted.


Words to follow …


Words to follow …


Words to follow …


Words to come …